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Interviewing Services

Vaughan Training & Consultancy LTD internal investigative interview teams can operate anywhere in the world and provide a qulaity service to meet you business requirements

Vaughan Training & Consultancy LTD offer a range of Investigative Interviewing Services which can be tailored to meet your company needs.

Internal Investigations & Reviews

If your company or business needs to conduct an internal investigation then our fully trained and professionally qualified interview team can be deployed anywhere in the world to produce quality products to resolve your business problems. Each interview team consists of an interview co-ordinator, 2 interviewers and admin support. All interviews will be digitally recorded using the most up to date portable recording equipment. Your company's confidentiality and reputation is vital in a competitive market and Vaughan Training & Consultancy LTD guarantee full compliance with a legally binding confidentiality agreement.

Our full and exclusive package includes an initial consultation to establish the terms and reference of your business requirements. Realistic timescales will be agreed before the interviews take place. Following the interview process a summary of all interviews will be included in a briefing report which will be presented to your company.

Vaughan Training & Consultancy LTD can potentially save your business both in monetary terms and reputational risk. We look forward to discussing your requirements in greater detail.

For further information please contact us.

Structured Analysis of an Investigative Interview

Investigation is a core duty of policing. Employers are responsible for ensuring that their staff are competent and confident in carrying out their responsibilities in respect of those duties. The highest standards need to be upheld.

Evaluation of an interview is an essential  component of an interview structure. The    review process employed by Vaughan Training & Consultancy LTD has been       demonstrated to be provide accurate, timely and constructive feedback to  both the interviewer and the referring agency.   Structured analysis  of the Investigative Interviewing process is designed to enhance the professionalism of those tasked with the duty to conduct an element of criminal          investigation that impacts on the entire investigation.

Interviews that are professionally undertaken will assist the witness or suspect in contributing significantly to the investigation.

Structured analysis of the Investigative Interviewing process is designed to enhance the professionalism of those tasked with the duty to conduct an element of criminal investigation that impacts on the entire investigation.

Evaluation of an interview is an essential component of an interview structure. The review process employed by Vaughan Training & Consultancy LTD has been demonstrated to be provide accurate, timely and constructive feedback to both the interviewer and the referring agency.

Aims and Objectives:

  • Provide a detailed analysis of the structure of the interview process

  • Analyse question structure

  • Identify any procedural inadequacies

  • Identify breaches of Codes of Practice PACE 1984

  • Identify shortcomings in ABE application for vulnerable witnesses

  • Report on interviewer performance and behaviour

The review process is considered during a face-to-face consultation where the Terms of Reference are agreed. A full report is normally completed within 21days from time of agreement.

Confidentiality is a key principle of the integrity of our business.

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